iOS v Android; Popular Opinions

I noticed for this week’s topic, regarding the development of hardware systems, many people decided to write about the IOS v Android debate, explaining the function and development of each. This inspired my remediation; a sound composition using popular songs to represent the opinions held about these two systems. Annoyingly so, it was removed from Soundcloud due to copyright reasons. I couldn’t figure out a way around this on Soundcloud, so I have uploaded to Youtube (sorry BCM112 markers) and won’t be surprised if the same thing happens.

It is evident that the abilities of technology are continuing to grow. This generates creativity and competition in the online world. This is essential to ensure new products and platforms are being designed; and so the cycle continues. This is not news, we are all aware of this. that’s why I decided to create a remediation based on the opinion surrounding the hardware, rather than content about the hardware itself.

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