Copyright law; controlling content always

We all remember Robin Thicke and Pharrell William’s 2013 hit song ‘Blurred Lines’ because, let’s be honest, it was pretty darn catchy. Unfortunately though, it cost them nearly $7.4million in a copyright lawsuit. According to the court, there were similarities in sheet music between their hit song, and a previous song produced by Marvin Gaye in 1977.


I saw this meme on Google, and began to consider all of the industries which are constantly forced to overcome copyright issues. Literature, film, music and memes are all subject to copyright law, and instantly I remembered the case of Blurred Lines. As a result, we have my remix:

So, with centuries of existing content, how does one ensure what they are producing is original? I found this handy article that gives a few tips on how to protect yourself from copyright infringements, because I’m sure we have all received that scary notification in the past, considering we are all producers in the internet age.

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